Upgrade or downgrade your subscription
You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time.
Before you begin
Only entity managers can upgrade or downgrade entity subscriptions.
Make the change
Navigate to the subscription details page using Home > Entities list > Entity details.
Use the subscription details button to view usage and available plans.
Use the ‘Change to this plan’ action to implement your choice.
tipChanges take effect immediately.
The value of any remaining pre-paid subscription shall be carried over to the new subscription. We shall contact you soon to arrange changes to subscription payment processing. The 'date paid to' will remain unchanged until payment details are processed.
The terms of service require that subscription payments occur on time. Late payments can result in service suspension or termination.
We shall immediately halt recurring payment processing if you downgrade from a paid plan to a free plan.
If you downgrade your subscription, and if your current usage exceeds any limit of the new plan, then the creation of new personnel, selections and submissions will not be possible. You would need to delete personnel, selections and submissions to bring your actual usage within the new (lower) subscription limits.
Billing self-service
You can manage your own billing arrangements thorugh the self-service payment portal.
Topics: P200, P240