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Create an entity

Every Select selection process is operated by an entity.

Before you begin

  • There is no need to create an entity if you want to lodge a submission into an existing selection process there's already an entity running that process.

  • If you have been assigned an assessment task, there's no need to create an entity there's already an entity running that process.

  • Entity refers to any body running a selection. An entity could be a business, non-profit, foundation, agency, government department, community enterprise, individual, for example.

Creating your first entity

Use the Create New Entity button on your Home page. This button is available if you don't already have any existing roles for any entity.

Create New Entity

Creating additional entities

Follow the Entities menu item from your Home page and use the Create New Entity button on the entity list. That menu item is available if you already have a role with an entity.

Create New Entity

Provide entity details

  • Provide a unique name for the new entity.

  • A location for the entity is also required. As Glider Systems is an Australian company, we use the location to determine whether Australia's goods and services tax (value-added tax) is relevant to any future subscriptions that you commence.

    Entity details

You are the manager of the new entity

Select creates the new entity, and allocates you to the role of entity manager.

Entities and subscription plans

Your new entity is allocated to the free trial subscription plan.

Topics: P001, P200